Title: 尋求房東與房客調解的電話已超過預想。

Link: https://lptlc.org/calls-for-landlord-tenant-mediation-go-through-the-roof/

“The ongoing pandemic and shelter-in-place order have been difficult for both residential and commercial tenants, as they struggle to pay rent with little to no income coming in.

“As a result, calls to the Lower Polk Tenant Landlord Clinic (TLC) have “gone through the roof” in recent days, according to Chris Schulman, board president of the Lower Polk Community Benefit District, which administers the clinic.

“The clinic was established in 2017 through a grant from the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development (MOHCD), with the mission of preventing the displacement of people and businesses in and around lower Polk Street. (Given the scale of the current crisis, however, it’s also opened its doors to those in other neighborhoods as well.)”

Read more here



據Chris Schulman,負責管理租戶房東診所的董事會主席表示 因此這幾天內,打給租戶房東診所 (TLC)的電話已經高於預想了 。

該診所 是在2017年市長住房和社區發展辦公室 (MOHCD)撥款設立的,其宗旨是防止Polk街下游及其周圍地區的人們和商業被強行遷移。鑑於當前疫情的規模,但是,本診所也對其他街區開放。」
