
District 3 November Resources

From District 3 Supervisor Aaron Peskin: The work never stops. After a very brief post-election glow, we’re back in the swing of things working [more]

Join Us for a Free Tenant Seminar on September 17, 2020!

Join our free Tenant Seminar on Thursday, September 17th, 2020! Are you worried about getting evicted? Can’t pay your rent? Having issues with [more]

2020-11-17T16:23:41-08:00Categories: All, Eviction, Resources|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Important New Anti-Eviction Resources!

Dear Lower Polk Community, We have been working hard to keep people stably housed during the COVID-19 pandemic. And we wanted to share some [more]

Temporary Moratoriums on Residential Evictions: Update

Tagalog // Español // 中文 We are reproducing this memorandum in its entirety. The original may be found here. Should you have any questions [more]

Xem các nguồn thông tin bổ sung liên quan đến COVID19 tại đây

Xem các nguồn thông tin bổ sung liên quan đến COVID19 tại đây Web URL - https://lptlc.org/covid-19-newsletter-update-march-22-2020/ Trợ giúp dành cho Cơ sở kinh [more]


Title: 尋求房東與房客調解的電話已超過預想。 Link: https://lptlc.org/calls-for-landlord-tenant-mediation-go-through-the-roof/ “The ongoing pandemic and shelter-in-place order have been difficult for both residential and commercial tenants, as they struggle to pay [more]

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