The updated Order No. C19-07e replaces the prior May 17, 2020 extension of the shelter in place order. All people and businesses in San Francisco must strictly comply with this new Order which is in effect, without a specific expiration date, until it is extended, rescinded, superseded, or amended in writing by the Health Officer.

The Order updates Appendix A to include new requirements in the Social Distancing Protocol. Any businesses with an existing Social Distancing Protocol must update its Social Distancing Protocol within two weeks, by June 15, 2020.

Businesses are required to complete and post the updated Appendix A Social Distancing ProtocolsAppendix C-1 contains requirements to operate for:

  • Retail Stores for Goods with Outdoor Curbside Pickup and Supply Chain Businesses
  • Outdoor Curbside Pickup and Drop Off for Low Contact Retail Services

NOTE: All businesses implementing a Social Distancing Protocol for the first time on or after June 1, 2020 must prepare and implement the updated protocol before resuming operations.